About Books:
In this package, you’ll receive the download links of following books:
- 15 Lies About Trading and Investing
- Fooled By Technical Analysis
15 Lies About Trading and Investing – Table of Contents
- Preface
- Lie 1: Trends and friends.
- Lie 2: The story about losses and profits.
- Lie 3: This is the true edge.
- Lie 4: They like macro bets.
- Lie 5: Market timing bashing.
- Lie 6: The victims of HFT
- Lie 7: They hate forecasting.
- Lie 8: The momentum premium.
- Lie 9: Advertising low win rates.
- Lie 10: Timing versus hoping.
- Lie 11: Statistical analysis conundrum.
- Lie 12: No emotions allowed.
- Lie 13: Random following works.
- Lie 14: Optimality is the key.
- Lie 15: Back testing windfall profits.
Fooled by Technical Analysis: The perils of charting, back testing and data-mining
PART I – Basic Concepts
Chapter 1. Levels of Technical Analysis
- Level I Naive chart analysis
- Level II Expert chart analysis
- Level III Naive quant analysis
- Level IV Expert quant analysis
Chapter 2. Trading Expectation
- The need for large trade samples
- The trading system inversion paradox
Chapter 3. Risk of Ruin and Trading Capital Requirements
- Risk of ruin due to undercapitalization
- Risk of ruin and win rate.
- Low win rate impact on trend-following system performance
- Determining initial capital requirements
Chapter 4. Trading Timeframes and the Impact of Trading Friction
- Trading Timeframes
- Trading Styles
- Trading methods
- The Negative-Sum Game of Futures and Forex Trading
- Daily E-mini trading
- Intraday E-mini trading
- Daily Forex trading
- The impact of a long-term market bias
Part II. Fooled by Technical Analysis
Chapter 5. Naive and Expert Chartists
- Fooled by random chart patterns.
- Use of chart patterns defies logic.
- Chart patterns and self-fulfilling prophecies
- Chart Patterns are mostly flukes.
- Claims of Chartists debunked with simple math.
- Fooled by random indicator patterns.
- Indicator patterns and self-fulfilling prophecies
- Indicators and wishful thinking
- Chart analysis and cognitive biases
- Expert chart analysis
Chapter 6. Naive and Expert Quants
- What is Back testing
- Pitfalls of back testing
- Methods for discovering a trading edge.
- Fooled by hypothesis testing.
- Fooled by validation tests.
- Fooled by Monte Carlo Simulations
- Expert quant analysis
- Minimizing the impact of data-mining bias
- Classification of trading systems
- Selection of systems
- Data snooping bias
- Myths about data-mining bias
- Pitfalls of validation methods
- Quant discretionary trading
- Fooled by momentum strategies.
- Putting it all together
Chapter 7. Position Size Determination Methods
- Basic types of trading systems
- Systems with stops-loss
- Fooled by optimal methods.
- Systems without stops-loss.
Chapter 8. Alternatives to Technical Analysis and Conclusion
- Trading the news
- Social media sentiment and trends
- Esoteric trading methods
- Conclusion
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