1st Course:
Anton Kreil – Professional Forex Trading Masterclass (PFTM)
With over 8 hours of footage, in the first 4 videos Anton Kreil covers the fundamentals of FOREX Trading, including the Opportunity Set, Regimes, Infrastructure as well as the computational methods you will need and use.
Videos 5 & 6
Another three hours of video, going into the more advanced computational techniques required to succeed in FOREX trading, including volume assessments and working with advanced Excel Spreadsheets.
Videos 7 to 15
10 hours detailing the 10 macro fundamental drivers in FOREX trading, fully illustrated with Excel examples.
Videos 16 to 21
In Video 16 Anton Kreil recaps the preceding vids in the professional FOREX trading masterclass, while the next 5 develop more fundamental drivers.
Videos 22 to 24
Three videos covering gate keeping and deploying capital. Fully illustrated with detailed Excel examples.
Videos 25 to 29
The final 5 videos in the professional FOREX trading masterclass cover off discipline; risk management; the building of an actionable trading plan; self awareness statistics and finally a recap of the course.
2nd Course:
Anton Kreil – Professional Trading Masterclass PTM
The PTM (Professional Trading Masterclass) Video Series is a pre-requisite course for becoming an Institute Trader however when taking the PTM (Professional Trading Masterclass) Video Series and the PFTM (Professional FOREX Trading Masterclass) Video Series together, Retail Traders become more complete Traders because they can effectively trade both Equities and FOREX in a multi-disciplinary approach.
3rd Course:
Anton Kreil – Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM)
Core PTM Course (28 Videos)
12 Months Core Course
All Spreadsheets included
All PDF Manuals included
Advanced Videos Area Access
Take Exam within 12 Months
Exam Certificate Emailed
Resume Text Emailed
Resume Reference on Request
Institute Trader Authorised
Priority Mentor Upgrades
Once you purchase this Masterclass video series, you will have access to all videos and be able to download all resources
Welcome to Advanced Videos Area. You have access to these videos for 12 months. Advanced videos are released regularly by the Institute to supplement this educational course.
4th Course
ITPM The Emergency Trading Room Portfolio Repair from Covid 19
To simply put, the trading course The Emergency Trading Room Portfolio Repair from Covid 19 of ITPM is a trading room that will be featured by Anton Kreil – a trader with the net worth of $10 millions and the Managing Partner of ITPM. There are a variety of different topics that will be covered while traders are attending onto the trading course The Emergency Trading Room Portfolio Repair from Covid 19 of ITPM; for example: capital preservation, survival and how to make a consistent flow of income. The brilliancy of the trading course The Emergency Trading Room Portfolio Repair from Covid 19 of ITPM is that besides the main features of Anton Kreil there will be another trader joining this trading course of ITPM to contribute an independent opinion so that traders would have more solutions on how the professionals way of solving the problem
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